Unified Theory
Within the context of defining a Federalist Methodology and approach, it is critical that we can set that methodology against other methodologies. There then becomes a need to develop a framework that can explain most or almost all political perspectives. Within this Unified Theory framework, we are able to find the right mindset to properly place a political perspective within the framework and to best understand what other people's perspectives are as of today.
The Theory is based on relative references from the internet and laid out through common sense and have been tested over time. The framework will provide the necessary information to best understand the world around us. The following is the basic Framework of this Philosophy.

This Unified approach defines Philosophy as both the society’s morality and the society’s method in-which to enable that philosophy, it then defines Politics as the way in which the chosen philosophy would be enabled as governance of the people according to the established moral philosophy, and it then defines the mechanisms of Economics as the way in which the government manages commerce in accordance with that moral philosophy. The three components are inexorably interlinked and inseparable and must be viewed together to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of the concepts and methods of the differing philosophies.
This Unified Theory is intended to be a non-partisan perspective on the natural occurrence of Political Systems within the human race. The selected systems defined through force or through a natural progression always provide some kind of result. It is up to the society to define what result they want and what kind of suffering some portion of the population must endure to support the controlling political class and their desired goals. This work is to help the citizens of a country understand where they have choices and where those choices will most likely lead the society. This is only a theory that is based on relative observance of history, if any portion of this effort does not meet a specific instance of history it should be identified and integrated into the Unified Theory to ensure all historic examples of political systems are considered and properly explained by this Theory.
This Theory identifies the framework of components which are required for a society to function regardless of the Political Implementation. This framework is based on human interactions with the resulting systems supporting the population at some level. The components that are Internal in nature such as beliefs and skills, require an environment for the human spirit to thrive through providentia(foresight/precaution) while the external components, as mechanisms, are required for the creation of wealth through oportunitas(fitness/opporunity) while the combination of the four uniquely human concepts of risk, natural laws, markets, and liberty either enhance or detract from the evolution of the human spirit and the growth of individual wealth. Where a successful society achieves a balance of both spirit and wealth.

This Unified approach combines Philosophy, Politics and Economics into a framework that applies the unified perspective into four elements or “primary colors”of human interaction, also called ideology. Each of these areas of ideology, Theological Politics, Republican Politics, Democratic Politics and Socialistic Politics, has four components of interaction that the ideology attempts to implement within the societal structure; they include attempts at controlling risk, implementing natural laws, managing economic markets and providing liberty to manage the citizens of the nation. This ideology brought to the citizens through the political class, either forced upon the population through violent revolution or through a democratic election, reflects the general “psyche”of the citizens as a choice through active/subversive positive or negative education.
The Unified Theory defines the primary objective for a society is to perform two tasks; to first implement the mechanisms to manage providentia so that all citizens benefit by being happily productive, secondly to manage oportunitas such that all citizens may have their individual needs met to live their lives to the fullest.
Where for society to manage providentia properly there is a need to control worldly risks, this controlling of risks is translated into REGULATORY LAWS, where the society must also choose to define how the citizens will be held to Natural Laws is translated to the method in which the JUDICIAL SYSTEM functions. Both functions of Government either enhance or detract from the Providentia of the human condition. The choices of regulations and legal processes affects the morale of a society, and thus its ability to passively resist internal and external forces for change, both peaceful and violent.
Where for society to manage oportunitas properly there is a need to manage the markets that bring the goods to the citizens, this setting of boundaries is translated in LEGISLATIVE LAWS, where the overall remaining functions of the society such as methods for managing conflict between factions and protecting the population from external attack requires a solid CONSTITUTION. The choices of economic legislation and constitutional processes affects the cultural and physical infrastructure of a society, and its ability to actively resist internal and external forces for change, both peaceful and violent.

Where this effort will outline and define this approach where the primary goal of society is to increase wealth for the benefit of all. The different perspectives for this framework is four fold:
1) How are Risks Perceived? (Either they are Controlled by Government or Uncontrollable by Government)
2) How is Liberty Perceived? (Either defined as what is permitted by the Government vs what is possible by a controlled Government.)
3) How is Natural Laws Perceived? (Either by Objective Perspectives or by Theological Perspectives)
4) How is Markets Perceived? (Either they are Controlled/Rationed by the Government or they are liberated and independent of Government.)
Are there other ways to define this framework? Most likely, but for our purpose being the goal of society to grow wealth such that the suffering of all is minimized are the factors that are driving this approach.
The Entire Framework can be Downloaded from This Site
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The Entire Framework can be Downloaded from Here.
The Federalist 2.0 philosophy advocates a peaceful approach when working within a society. Those that are members and certificate holders will take a vow to not use force to advance these concepts. There will be no discrimination against anyone no matter their color or sexual preference. This organization will never advocate for violence to advance these concepts. To see the full Non-Discrimination and Non-Violence Pledge please visit our About Page.