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Why must effective governance utilize Freewill to be successful?


Updated: Jan 20, 2021

On the whole, the notion that the federal government is actively improving our lives through assisting us in all sorts of efforts, whether it is climate based help, race based help even energy based help and education help, is FALSE. The only really good thing the federal government can do are the following four (4) things:

  1. Impose Regulations

  2. Take Judicial Action

  3. Enact Legislation

  4. Manage Liberty

Where the mechanisms to effect these rules usually are:

  1. Take(Tax) & Borrow money

  2. Create a strong military / police-force (FBI / CIA)

If we look at the previous three posts we had, Origins of Freewill, Freewill cannot be taken and Freewill can only be given free of coersion, they all have the theme of Freewill and if we use common sense, of these last two what has the most risk for allowing others to establish control over the citizens? That would be the first one, the capability of taking/ taxing/ borrowing money from the citizens and using it for the perceived crisis at the time. So we want to minimize this effect (transfer of wealth mechanisms) and maximize the other two protection of the citizens and delivery of justice.

If you remember from the last two posts, we want to manage economic RISKS and JUSTICE to ensure PROVIDENTIA survives and grows. We want to ensure MARKETS and LIBERTY thrives and survives to support OPORTUNITAS (Opportunity) so the citizens are able to freely exchange and grow to be better versions of themselves and help direct the affairs of a nation towards True North so the individuals of the nation can best reflect the Higher Power in our souls. We showed that the use of these concepts from the Federalist 2.0 Unified Theory, That is located here, provides the atmosphere that all humans on this planet need to evolve and grow and function to the best of their ability. (See Figure #1 for the basic framework)

Figure #1: Unified Theory of Philosophy, Politics and Economics

The driving effect that must be recognized is the impacts of "internal" and "external" forces that make up the "environment" we walk in no matter the nation or the social systems in place. These aspects can be only be crafted by a given Philosophy, given Political System and an Economic approach. These we have combined into these two perspectives of Internal Controls and External Controls. Let's look at the first aspect, Internal controls.

As one goes about their life the individual has to have a sense of self and their desires and their abilities are shown through that sense of self. Within that context there are several things that we need to be enabled from a "government" perspective, Controlling Risk and Following / Managing Natural Laws. These two perspectives can only be supportive to the notion of PROVIDENTIA, which as a reminder is aligned with the notion of PROVIDENCE, or the ability to perform a duty or task, derived from the sense of self. Within that notion we must understand that PROVIDENTIA is tightly tied to the wellness of an individual's spirit.

The Creation of Spirit, from the Unified Theory, within the True North Perspective is as follows and can be classified as "Socially Contribution Enabled":

The individual is responsible for their own Spiritual and Personal Growth. Society encourages efforts to grow spiritually.

This manifests itself in the following belief system that we could describe as follows:

The Reverence for Individual Determination to Manage Happiness: While believing that one has the ability to manage their own happiness, there is always the possibility that society will not agree with the efforts. While risks are a part of living life there is also that ability to learn from failed attempts as well as reap the rewards of success through supporting regulations and judicial processes.

Then within this notion we must and have to consider the reality that all people of spirit, some call it a soul, have within within them the notion that we have the ability to determine our own spirit, or we should define it as Providentia (Latin). If we understand Providentia is a noun and has the following definition: The ability to see something in advance; foresight, foreknowledge. Precaution, providence, forethought, we must consider the verb for this word, which is Provideo (Latin): I forsee. I am cautious; I act with foresight. I provide, see to. I look after, care for.

So we come to the inalienable conclusion that what GOVERNMENT must do then is to enable and encourage the growth and advancement of an individual's PROVIDENTIA. Which brings us to this truth from the Unified Theory:

The Justification to Liberate Providentia: Determination that the overall material progress of the nation should be liberated to be decided by the citizens, such that the means to grow an individual’s providentia (Human Energy) would be determined by the individual and provided to the individual based on their individual initiative. Where man’s material progress (MMP) is determined by the use of available resources (R) plus the human energy(HE) times tools(T).
Man's Material Progress: MMP = R + (HE * T)

Thus, there are only two mechanisms that allow us to properly and effectively deliver this environment of internal controls to a set of Citizens within a Nation. That is shown in Figure #2 from our Unified Theory perspective.

Figure #2: Unified Theory Applied

The first of these governmental levers we can call "Regulations" and within the notion of regulations the nation should be focused on levying them to support the citizen's Proventia. From the Federalist 2.0 perspective, risks are managed by Individuals who are left to respond to the penalty and rewards of various options. With government at the ready to arbitrate / eliminate any possible disagreements or criminal activity, addressing the part of Freewill we discussed in our post on Freewill cannot be taken. So how can regulations help the second aspect of Freewill, that Freewill can be given? Thus, we have the basic rule for regulations, they must support the basic rule that Freewill can be given. So with the use of regulations that can be put in place to ensure that the citizens are able to have the most freedom to express their freewill without harm to another's freewill. The following is the Unified Theory approach to risk.

The Reverence for viewing life as an exercise in Risk Management based on resulting Natural Laws: While believing that one has the ability to manage their own risks, there is always the possibility that nature will not agree with the results. While risks are a part of living life there is also that ability to learn from failed attempts as well as reap the rewards of success.

Now we have a second governmental lever that is Natural Laws, which can be defined as the following: Natural Law is defined by the people with limits based on a transcendent set of principles that should never be violated. Where these laws then are constantly subject to investigation and revision, limiting its scope while embracing dissent as part of the process.

Thus, we must use something to harness the notion and direction of Natural Law, that would be the use of the Judicial system. Through this system, we implement the notion of "Justice" that we see to help manage and control the first aspect of Freewill, it cannot be taken. With the second aspect of Freewill, we must make sure that the laws that are enacted meet the concepts of the constitution (Hence the implementation of the Supreme Court). It is true that through the Justice System we manage and implement the laws as outlined by the legislative branch, brining us to this United Theory approach to Natural Laws.

The Reverence for seeking to define the Law: Believing that Human Laws can be transient, it is possible that humans may never discover the Natural Laws as a final state. Thus, the act of investigation to understand what is the “Truth” to a Social/Political Natural Law is the natural learning process to developing a more operational civil environment that will have the ability to serve the “Common Good”.

Now we come to the second aspect which is to manage "external" controls. For example, when we go out into the world we assume certain things about our life, that we can enter a world with the opportunity to be able to make a living and to be able to live with a sense of liberty. Within that context there are several things that we need to be enabled from a "government" perspective, those two items are by setting up Markets and ensuring Liberty. These two perspectives can only be supportive to the notion of OPORTUNITAS, which as a reminder is aligned with the notion of OPPORTUNITY, or fitness or advantage to meet a need, derived from the sense of performance. Within that notion we must understand that OPORTUNITAS is tightly tied to the Creation of Wealth.

The Creation of Wealth from the Unified Theory within the True North Perspective is as follows and can be classified as "Property Inclusive":

Labor & Property: Wealth is generated from the combination of Labor and Property, and therefore there is the need to focus on defending the rights of both.

Then within this notion we must and have to consider the reality that all people have a need to have some amount of wealth to live in society, so they have within them selves the notion that we have the skills to create wealth, as such we can define it as Oportunitas. If we understand Oportunitas is a noun and has the following definition: Convenience, fitness, advantage, and opportunity. We must consider the verb for this word, which is Proficio: I advance, make progress. I benefit, profit. I help, contribute, am useful.

So we come to the inalienable conclusion that what GOVERNMENT must do then is to enable and encourage the growth and advancement of an individual's ACCESS to Oportunitas. Which brings us to this truth from the Unified Theory:

All citizens have access to oportunitas equally, it is their responsibility to discover what oportunitas exists and determine how to use their providentia within society to capitalize on the oprotunitas.

This manifests itself in the following belief system that we could describe as follows:

The Justification to Liberate Oportunitas: Determination that the overall material progress of the nation should be liberated to be decided by the citizens, such that the means to grow an individual’s oportunitas (Resources and Tools) would be determined by the individual and provided to the individual based on their individual initiative. Where man’s material progress (MMP) is determined by the use of available resources(R) plus the human (HE) energy times tools (T).
MMP = R + (HE * T)

Thus, there are only two mechanisms that allow us to properly and effectively deliver this environment of external controls to a set of Citizens within a Nation. That is shown in Figure #2 from our Unified Theory perspective.

The third of these governmental levers, but the first of the external aspect, we can call "Legislation"(the ability for a group of elected officials to be able to create a Law) and within the notion of legislation the nation should be focused on creating them to support the citizen's ACCESS to Oportunitas as well as protecting their ability to meet the needs as defined by Oportunitas. From the Federalist 2.0 perspective, markets configured in alignment with Capitalism are markets managed by Individuals who respond to the penalties and rewards of various market demands. So how can legislation help the second aspect of Freewill, that Freewill can be given? As such we have the basic rule for legislation, GOVERNMENT must support the basic rule that Freewill can be given. So with the use of legislation can be put in place to ensure that the citizens are able to have the most freedom to express their freewill without harm to another's freewill. The following is the Unified Theory approach to Markets.

The Reverence for meeting the needs of the citizens through open markets: While believing that one has the ability to manage their own personal needs in an open market, there is still the need to ensure that all conflicts have the opportunity to resolve themselves independently or within a governing judicial system. Thus, goods and services are produced based on their ability to survive in the open marketplace opening opportunities for any individual that might have the time and money to discover or define a need that can survive and grow that citizen's family and community.

Now we must have the fourth governmental lever, the second of the external aspect, known as Liberty, which can be defined as the following: Liberty is defined by a Constitution and Laws, where the laws are enforced equally among all citizens regardless of stature or political position. Thus, we must use something to harness the notion and direction of Liberty, that would be the use of the Constitution. Through this system, one can implement the notion of "Liberty" that we see to help manage and control the first aspect of Freewill, it cannot be taken. With the second aspect of Freewill, we must make sure that the constitution is enacted to meet the concepts of ensuring Freewill (Hence the utilization of the Supreme Court to test laws against the efficacy of the US Constitution). It is true that through the Constitution we manage and implement the Natural Law of Freewill as outlined by the founding fathers, bringing us to this United Theory approach to Liberty.

The Reverence for an Individual's Liberty: While believing Liberty is possible, the organization of the government is restricted to that which is allowed to be controlled by the government, where all other areas of concern are left for the citizens to manage.

Within all of these concepts, the most beautiful concept of all is the ability for the US Constitution to have the necessary corrective measures in place to help the citizens to find their way back to these concepts. With the breaking of the representation of individuals into different factions or groups to implement this construct, the mechanisms of Political Power can be widely distributed. This will be the subject for a later Blog, but it is good context to help grow and establish an approach to implement these concepts.

So where we are now is that we have developed an understanding of the origins of Freewill (We have been given this gift from a Higher Power), then determined there are only two things that can be done with our Freewill other then exercising our Freewill independently, we can be influenced by others looking to suppress our Freewill and the final aspect of Freewill is that we can give our freewill independently without coercion. Where in this short blog we then defined the requirements for a working government to craft this effect, where there needs to be internal and external controls. Where the internal controls as defined by Providentia, through the use of Regulations to manage day to day risks and the use of Justice to manage challenges of others attempting to repress one's Freewill as well as ensure that the Freewill being given did not negatively impact another's Freewill and hold to Nature's Laws, which provides the mechanism to fully express your skills and abilities in a Free Society.

Now on the side of the external controls is defined by Oportunitas, through the use of Legislation to craft laws that best protect people from having their Freewill suppressed and enacting laws that most express their free will through open markets, with the use of a Constitution to set the exact processes the government is allowed to engage with the citizens, which puts in place the necessary structure to prevent the eventual challenge that faces all societies, the eventual growth of a tyrant or tyrannical society, where this mechanism provides a society that will allow an individual to fully express their skills and abilities in a Free Society. The final realization now becomes; Why have these truths not been embraced and upheld? Why are you only knowing and understanding them now? On this site? The answer is simple, to advocate for a well responded approach to governing does not immediately benefit a set group, or... it is easier to gather groups of people that share a given vice than ones that share the desire to pursue a well managed governance.

Let's take a look if we established the OPPOSITE of these rules that we are advocating for in the Federalist 2.0. Let's list the Negative Aspects of them in order:

  1. Freewill does not exist, since God does not exist

  2. Freewill can be suppressed, to meet government/society's (Group's) goals

  3. Freewill can be given, but only if allowed by the government/society (Group)

  4. Regulations should we used to meet the needs of government/society (Group)

  5. Justice should be defined by the government based on society needs (Group)

  6. Legislation should be defined by the government and society needs (Group)

  7. Liberty should be defined by what the government/society/groups can do for you (in their ideal) and that constitution is malleable and changeable through stare decisis

  8. Defining a society and a government that is focused on being active in creating mechanisms to increase strife and chaos, with the intent to grow the government to benefit the group in control.

If we look at these NEGATIVE rules of Freewill, we discover that they spell disaster for a society since these provide a pathway for individuals to devise ways to gain power through groups and express their vices and justify it through their own self appointed notion of what a morale North would be. We see this in the most interesting example between the election of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. This election was what some called a "coronation" for the Democratic Party. Hillary had done all she could do to rise in the Democratic Party and it was "Her Turn" to be President. The results stand as noted with the powers in the government actively seeking to thrust Donald Trump from the Presidency, and an obvious disbelief in the aftermath by Hilary and her supporters.

Digging deeper we see all sorts of parallels today, the challenges with race that the United States is faced with, the looting and proposed "peaceful" demonstrations that have engulfed the United States during the summer of 2020. The warping of the culture through media and movies, the bending of the language to make what was once good and virtuous to something that should be shunned and rejected. The oppressive culture, the "cancel" culture, as designed is to sway your emotions to ensure and guarantee your vote would be for an ever growing and expanding government. The drive and intention to minimize religion is not progressive thought, it is a tactic to overtake your moral compass to ensure you either formulate decisions through emotional anger/hatred or through fear. The world without the notion of a Higher Power, Freewill and a direction of True North, is one driven by happenstance and logical accidents. The resulting negative actions/emotions are resentment, deceit and arrogance...

In the end, the results are groups of people setting their allegiance to their leaders in contrast to other groups, where the group that obtains power, has "rights" to impose their Freewill on other groups that did not "win"(Making a vicious cycle of resentment, deceit and arrogance). This is the original state of affairs across millennia here on this planet within the Human Race's struggle to govern themselves. Which is why the "Individual" rights of a human must and has to overcome and supersede the proposed rights of said "Groups". Period, FACT, Absolute.

Here we then have to start to ask ourselves, what is it that we have developed here in this core essence of the Federalist 2.0? What is it that we are really trying to describe and create? How can just a hand full of blog posts define the essence of a society and or a nation? From the Federalist 2.0 point of view, what we have defined here is the desire to find mechanisms that would elevate those that seek to be right minded to positions of power. People that have intentions and efforts to be part of a group to lead and guide the mundane task of managing a society that points toward True North in a morale and positive philosophical perspective.

What is interesting is that we find the definition of a "right minded" individual as someone that is "Righteous" or has "Righteousness", which is someone that acts with a right mind, basically someone that is aligned toward True North that makes a commitment to not Lie, Cheat, Steal or harm others physically or emotionally. If we take that notion further and realize that the definition of "Righteousness" in Latin is "iustitia" we discover this word in latin is similar to other words in latin that include the following: uprightness, integrity, rectitude, goodness, morality, honesty, probity, justice, decency, and virtue. It is hard to say this, but the notion of "Justice" is linked directly to the notion of "Righteousness" and through this we determine that an individual that has the right set of controls, internal and external, setup within a society, will inexplicably be driven to the way and direction of True North, fully creating the atmosphere in which an individual can live their life, within the notion of liberty and pursue their lives with their family and community to... yes Be Happy!

So to you, the reader.... Are You Happy?

So we come full circle with the Federalist 2.0, perspective and can now officially declare, that men and women CAN create a government by introspection and choice, that there is a path beyond the collection of dispirit groups gathered to over see others in their own way. That this is a path we can take to fulfill the original intent of the founding fathers, that is the Federalist 2.0 way. As Publius, I commit to you to:

  1. I will always believe in a Higher Power and protect the Citizen's Freewill.

  2. Protect the citizens from those that willingly choose to suppress Freewill.

  3. Construct an environment in which one can be free to properly give their Freewill.

  4. Develop Regulations that eliminate the suppression of Freewill and promote free exchange of one's Freewill.

  5. Enforce the notion of Justice in alignment with Natural Law.

  6. Enact Legislation that eliminates the suppression of Freewill and provides opportunities for people to manage their Providentia and grow Oportunitas.

  7. Support and protect the Constitution to the best of my ability by supporting Justices that believe the same.

  8. Defining a society and a government that is focused on being active in creating mechanisms to eliminate strife and chaos through minimizing the role in government within our lives.

This I commit to you and will defend till the day I pass, so help me God.

Come join the Federalist 2.0 effort, help us resurrect the beliefs and understandings that made this United States of America the greatest nation on the planet to date. Let's make America great once more!

In the end, what do you have to lose?.... Maybe you can be Publius too?

- Publius

(C) 2020

(TM) Federalist 2.0

NOTE: In Our next post we start the process of addressing the next section of the Federalist 2.0 philosophy, "The federalist is pessimistic and a realist", a deeper dive into the notions of Human Nature and the impacts on governance.


Federalist 2.0(TM)

Publius was a pseudo name for those that wanted to publish a discussion of topics that needed to be talked about but people did not want their names attached to the discussion. We are needing this approach today as personalities and emotions are in the way of clear debate and concise ideas.


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