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Stealing the Bank - The Tools - Part2a


Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Money. They say the love of money is the root to all evil. They say it’s bad and drives greed. This article will pull together all the known mechanisms now being used to deceive the American citizens and we will review what process is being used to successfully drive this change by the current members of the US Congress to “Steal the Bank”. This is part 2 of a series we are doing on the processes used to take command of the US population. My first part (#karilakewon) is here on Twitter:

You can also see my blog post here:

We will review the following topics to show these are integrated events to achieve a larger goal, that is to Steal the Bank #Stealthebank, or to open the US Financial power to illicitly fund projects, non-profits and international donations to continue to rig elections and live a life of luxury for those running the scheme. Those topics are:

  1. No US Gov budget

  2. Continuing resolutions

  3. 1000 page bills

  4. Pork grinding

  5. Culture confusion-cult

  6. Large Donor club

  7. The lemming Democrats

  8. Congressmen Sponsored Non-profits

  9. Regulatory capture

  10. Media Wars

  11. The FTX angle

  12. Election Rigging

And lucky number 13

  1. The economic squeeze

All of these topics in of themselves can and need a deeper dive, which we will do as time permits over the next several months. Do we think there is an over-arching conspiracy that is orchestrating this? We say NO. We do not give those whom scheme and steal the credit as a design. We believe this has been “fallen into” as a process over time. Thieves typically try angles of advantage and milk those threads that are most productive. Hence, we have 13 primary threads that have built the backbone for the steal… for the milk. Most likely it’s a fractal of abuse, so we know there is much more… but we will start with these 13.

Additionally, we have discovered that these threads fall into three categories:

  1. Tools - 1-4

  2. Process - 5-8

  3. Results - 9-12 (with 13 as a super charger)

So we will present them as such and in an order where they build a crescendo to our lucky number 13 - the economic squeeze. The Federalist 2.0 as a concept has a focus on process and Constitutional matters that craft or destroy a political system, and provides solutions to cut off and remove the corruption and illegal activity. So, in the end we will have a solution for you that will work if adopted. Finally, this is a large piece and will be released in 4 parts, first three as noted and as categorized above and a fourth called, “The Solution”. Let’s get started with Part2a…

The Tools

Like any business or effort to achieve a goal you need tools to succeed. These tools help to achieve the broader goal or objective, as selling a product or a service. Once that money comes in you need the tools to manage the finances. You need a budget and over time you add instruments to help save or grow your money. In politics, really it’s not the politician’s money, so there is a need for the state entity to define a budget to balance the incoming taxes to the expenses… or that is how it should be. If you have politicians that believe they OWN that revenue or DESERVE to have that revenue you can begin to define the tools to achieve that goal. So with that we can start with the tools...

No Government Budget

If you had the idea that the public money deserved its way into your pocket, how could you hide that? Would it not be in your interest to hide these facts? What is the purpose of a budget? It’s to keep track of the money of course. Where is it going, are we spending too much in one area, are we losing focus on what matters? These items and more are achievable with a budget. How can we avoid those limits? It’s simple… get rid of the budget!

To highlight this point the last balanced budget was 2001. And yes Clinton was President but he had no hand in the process as the taxes which were overflowing the US treasury were from the changes made during the Reagan years as well as deficits that eat into that surplus which put in question that there was a real surplus ( And the House and Senate were controlled by Republicans who drove the budget. After that, the next budget to pass was April 2009, after Obama came to power, that one budget had a deficit. In the past 22 years there has been only 2 budgets, and 1 was balanced.

Today our debt is expanding by $1 Trillion a year, much faster than in previous years and soon to be unsustainable.

By 2030 we will not be able to fund our borrowing, we will be at or over 40 Trillion in debt.

Here is a great link that shows the real time impact to un-budgeted spending.

So we have shown that there is a strategy to not having a budget and cranking up the deficits. There is no denying it, this is a problem today and we risk default in 8-10 years. So how do they pass legislation to overcommit funds? Well that’s easy…

Continuing Resolutions

What is this strange thing? Let’s get a definition: “The day-to-day operations of most federal agencies are funded on an annual basis by appropriations. When those appropriation bills are not enacted by the start of the fiscal year on October 1, Congress uses a continuing resolution, or “CR,” as a temporary measure to fund government activities for a limited amount of time. Continuing resolutions are temporary “stopgaps,” often employed to avoid a partial government shutdown and to give lawmakers more time to enact appropriations for the full year.” Peter G Peterson Foundation. The following is pulled from their site to show how many CRs have been enacted in 25 years… a total of 131 have been enacted. Average of 5 a year. So we have racked up $26+ Trillion in Debt over 25 years using 131 CRs. Interesting… no?

Let’s dig in more, with the best description from all places Wikipedia! And best part is they list all of the bills on their site!

So if you have any doubt about the bills or what is in them, go here. So, for tools we have the breaking the budget and using continuing resolutions to continue the steal. But what goes into those bills and how big are they? That is what the next section is about…

The 1000+ Page Bills

Bills, those pieces of paper that Congress debates and then passes. If both houses pass a bill, usually more than 50% of the House and the Senate needs to pass the bill, then the President can sign it or veto it. We won’t get into the details of civics as that can be viewed on many sites. What is of interest is how we can pass bills that are several thousand pages long and with little time to read them. Some bills the Congress is given less than 24 hours to review.

As noted on a site we found there is little will by Congress to reduce the size and scope of legislation, as they stated… “Congress does not possess the political will to reduce this expansion of law.  Nor does it show signs of any desire to simplify laws to make them clearer.  In the meantime, every new law, particularly those dealing with large “chunks” of the economy is destined to be huge and vague.  The solution is obvious: reduce the power or scope of government to its previous constitutional limits.  This may only be possible through either the courts or constitutional amendment.” - Length Of Legislation: Why Bills Have Grown Significantly Longer Over The History Of The United States Congress

So do you ever wonder, where do these bills come from and why the party sponsoring them (usually the Democrats) always support them in unison? What happens generally is some non-profit or research arm works to build the legislation with all of the Congress people in their party. So no matter what bill, they all have a hand in it for their constituents and special interests, usually big money. So usually there are no complaints, and why not the purse is open and the money is available for the taking.

But, what are some of the of the details in the spending CR bills? What are they looking to do to pass their legislation? Well that is our next section…

Pork Grinding

In the good old days it was a process to add to the bill a little something to the budget to pay off a political ally. Since there was a budget the senator or representative had to find some hole in the budget and plug it with their guy. The Congress would then horse trade and jokey for position. But this process stayed in the lines of the budget. These little wins were called pork, nowadays the term is earmark.

But since the mini crash in 2008, the last time a budget was passed they were able to pass a Trillion dollar deficit CR since the banks were too big to fail. Well would you know, CRs are based off the previous budget. Since 2008/2009 there has been a deficit exceeding $1 Trillion almost every year.

These things called earmarks are investments on the surface but underneath they are ways to help those that helped them get elected. Here are some interesting ones from the Congressional Pig Book from 2022.

So it’s clear that the use of Pork/earmarks as well as other strategies allows a party to bring together a large continuing resolution that can exceed thousands of pages, where the lack of a budget allows an over expenditure of well over $1 Trillion a year.

So those are the tools, simple explanation and mechanisms to implement. But why have we not heard about this process or been educated that this exists and is a risk for the collapse of the United States? It’s because there has been a process built to hide it from your mind. This we will detail in our next installment Part2b and we will call it "The Process".

In the creation of the Federalist 2.0, it is our goal and commitment to you the reader, to share with you the pieces of the original intent of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence and why it is critical that we claim this moral imperative to ensure the health and safety of our future generations and our capacity to continue as the Originally Planned United States of America. Come join the Federalist 2.0 effort, help us resurrect the beliefs and understandings that made this United States of America the greatest nation on the planet to date. Let's continue to develop a more perfect union as our Founders envisioned!

In the end, what do you have to lose?.... Maybe you can be Publius too.

- Publius

(TM) Federalist 2.0

Federalist 2.0(TM)

Publius was a pseudo name for those that wanted to publish a discussion of topics that needed to be talked about but people did not want their names attached to the discussion. We are needing this approach today as personalities and emotions are in the way of clear debate and concise ideas.


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