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Constitution Signing

Federalist 2.0(TM)

Healing the political divide by building a Citizens Political Professional Organization (CPPO) & learning how to govern for all.

New Federalist Papers

The New Federalist Papers are intended to re-articulate the Federalist Papers from the 18th century within the 21st century culture with the additional insight of the impact of Virtue and Vice. The overall goal being a reformation of those Papers such that they can be translated to principles and where those principles can help articulate a Unified Theory that eventually can then be translated to tools that can be used to effectively govern a citizenry.


The first installment of papers will be be focused on the passions of mankind (person-kind):


Section I - The Passions of Mankind

01 - All men are created equal, but do not live equally

02 - The federalist is pessimistic / realists

03 - Passionate mankind will have struggles

04 - Mankind led to reason & virtue

05 - Factors of faction & insurrection

(Once worked on Scribed - Now problematic on Mobile)

Note Published Data: 2011

Section I - The Passions of Mankind

01 - All men are created equal, but do not live equally

02 - The federalist is pessimistic / realists

03 - Passionate mankind will have struggles

04 - Mankind led to reason & virtue

05 - Factors of faction & insurrection

The Federalist 2.0 philosophy advocates a peaceful approach when working within a society. Those that are members and certificate holders will take a vow to not use force to advance these concepts. There will be no discrimination against anyone no matter their color or sexual preference. This organization will never advocate for violence to advance these concepts. To see the full Non-Discrimination and Non-Violence Pledge please visit our About Page.

Federalist 2.0(TM)

Publius was a pseudo name for those that wanted to publish a discussion of topics that needed to be talked about but people did not want their names attached to the discussion. We are needing this approach today as personalities and emotions are in the way of clear debate and concise ideas.


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