Federalist 2.0(TM)
Healing the political divide by
Building a Political Professional Organization for the Citizens.
To REALLY learn what it means to Govern for ALL.
Federalist 2.0 Quotes
From all efforts we will engage in the discussion on how to Govern, this page will outline some interesting quotes and references to sites that help influence and support this method of thinking. Keep in mind, whatever "side" you take, the effort to quiet voices or stop the free speech of the citizens are efforts to push a society outside the direction of a successful nation focused on the success of ALL of its citizens.
Publius Quotes:
The price of Freedom requires the value of Virtue.
Federalist 2.0 seeks the care and feeding of the human soul not the human condition.
Just because I advocate for nothing does not mean I support something.
Just because you can use media techniques to make a group align with your agenda, does not mean it is a morally sound agenda.
In the long run, immoral agendas will ALWAYS loose to morally sound agendas.
Morally sounds agendas are always based in truth and have the ability to survive the test of time.
Truth is relative to your world view, but there is only one true truth, we can call that "TRUE North", discovering what that means changes your world view and your “Truth” in that moment.
Just because you can, does not mean you should. So the question becomes, "What "should" be done?" The Federalist 2.0 defines the should for the future.
A country has a responsibility to secure your opportunity to be happy as a Citizen, that responsibility is not for those outside the confines of the country.
Governance is not the license to use the people of your country for your own benefit, governance is the responsibility to prevent the citizenry from thinking they can use the politicians for their own benefit, allowing those elected politicians to embrace their own vice.
Driving to a perfect world view and existence will always trigger the self-destruct mechanism in some people, we are built to engage and resolve conflict and danger and learn from our mistakes, in doing so, eliminating all danger to living will accelerate that culturally destructive mechanism.
We are individually responsible for our own character and are responsible for the mistakes we make in trying to perfect that character, any other external entity or influence, not including our parents and those we adopt as role models, will NOT guide our efforts in OUR own best interest.
Societies and people systems must hold to the half-life concept, any system set in place will be half as effective for every generation.
The goal of any society is to always pursue TRUE North, where TRUE North can be defined by the never-ending pursuit of a society that can maintain the least amount of control and processes that attempt to control the population.
No Political System can ever be set and be maintained on a course of TRUE North, as such, any system that is generated to be effective past 2-3 generations may only have 6 to 8 generations (200 to 250 years) before that system needs to be aligned back to TRUE North.
Socialism is the perfect solution for the perfect world. Capitalism is the imperfect solution for an imperfect world.
"The Pursuit of Happiness" is the successful efforts of honing one's character.
Mankind will always make efforts to get others to do things that are not in their best interest, with the root of the cause laying in vice.
A citizen is born in your nation, lives a life in your nation and dies an old person in your nation. The measure of that individual is not how much they have accumulated or obtained through that life nor is it how much that individual has discarded their charter to engage in vice and a warped sense of fun, but it is the content of that individual's character that will shine for that nation in those last moments of that individual's life. As such, a nation that robs that individual from their God given right to freely express themselves without constraint in the pursuit of their character is a nation that will destroy the light, that spirit, in that individual, and in the end, that government, will ultimately destroy that nation.
We are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience on this planet, where God has given us life, and we have the responsibility to live that life in such a way that we give it back to God in Faith. As such, a political party that actively pursues the destruction of that spirit to advance their own political agenda is an evil force that must be purged through the light of truth, the truth WE call TRUE North.
For socialism to survive, for the ideas of socialism to survive, there must be a relentless pursuit of the destruction of the individual citizen, their faith, their character, their health, their family, and their community. The destruction of these will usher in the need for support and government that will enslave those citizens and will ensure a never-ending position for those who pursue this type of destruction.
The day this nation stopped seeing their citizens as individuals with souls and stopped working to provide them with the atmosphere to hone their own character, was the first day of the destruction of that nation and ensured those involved in these acts were allowed to be rewarded through the embrace of their vice.
We get the political system we deserve.
If we don't spend the time and energy to protect our Individual Rights, we will one day wake up to discover our Individual Rights are no longer being protected, at which time, those in power will declare Rights that enhance and protect their own Faction, imposing on the rights of others without concern.
The only Rights that exist are in alignment with the Individual Rights, such that these rights do not impact another individual's Freewill.
Rights can be tested, does the proposed right impose on another's Freewill through oppression? Does the Right prevent the Individual from obtaining opportunities? Does the Rights prevent free expression? If any of these are Yes, then it is NOT a right.
The creation of a government structure that supports the spiritual growth of mankind without constraint is the ultimate key to freedom and liberty. The pursuit of our own development as humans on this planet, is best severed within the context of a government that is not focused on itself. The soul will flourish and grow and become its best self when given a social and societal system that allows that soul to make errors and have the consequences of those errors be delivered. Thus, the very notion of the social and policy system that made the United States of America was based on the very notion of liberating the Soul of its citizens to ensure they were protected from oppression of their Freewill and ensure their opportunities to grow and become more was enhanced.
Socialism attempts to solve the unsolvable... leaving those things that can be solved among the citizens out to blow in the wind while lining the pockets of those whole feed at the government's feet...
When those leading a "Good" life, get in the way of those leading a "Bad" life, those leading a "Bad" life ALWAYS seek to control the others through oppression and exclusion. Which life do you lead? Do you seek to oppress? If you do, then you lead the "Bad" life.
The Purpose of a Society is to properly organize to best set a soul free to discover their relationship to a higher power. The setting of that purpose for the citizens to pursue their best selves such that the citizens can climb the latter of right-minded-ness (righteousness).
The natural progression of the individual's purpose within the Purpose of Society requires mechanisms to guide the society. These mechanisms CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be man-made. These natural self-guided decisions (Votes) within the small (Individual Votes) compiled to the large (Aggregated within Communities) cannot be human engineered to best guide the society. Only the Higher Power has the capacity to best understand our goal, our True North. Only in an Open and Free election can this direction be established and should not be tampered with by any one individual or group, EVER.
Regardless of who you are, the Constitutional process must be followed, and results be accepted. People must be educated in this process and institutions (Media) must communicate this process to their benefit. Communicating anything other than this is taking sides and will result in citizens being hurt. In these cases, the institutions (Media) can and should be held responsible for the injuries and destruction.
Is it ok to end the life of a 1-year-old baby? No, of course not. But can you envision a political system in-which we pave the way to allow this happen in a future history? If so, then the political system is advancing to pave the way to Tyranny.
Without God, there is no "Hope". Without "Hope", "Spiritual Hope" there is always the battle of the group, "The Factions". With the inevitable result of that battle being the evolution of the Dictator or the Tyrant or the Tyrannical Group, all marshaled through the lens of Socialism.
What would happen if we could encapsulate the human existence with just one phrase? What would happen if we could understand the essence of human existence such that it could change the world? What would happen if we, as humans, fully comprehended the challenge of the soul and the responsibility of the spirit?
The spirit is that which sparks into life the living soul, starting at the moment of conception. The living soul is that which is given to every human by the Creator. With the Parents responsible for that human soul’s guidance to right mindedness, which can and will lead to righteousness. Where vice will disable the soul and in time if accepted will extinguish the existence of that Spark and disable the soul. The widespread efforts in alignment of Menticide, is a mass extinction of large groups of human’s souls, bringing about the natural destruction of that group and that society. The responsibility of the political class is to engage and support the natural growth and birth of that spark which begins that soul and that natural process to a human's full potential. With that natural right and potential of this human comes the need and responsibility to serve the Creator. Anything else leads to the destruction of the soul and the society at large.
The nature of man creates a situation where the Maker has given us a Soul… our caring of that Soul is required for us to NOT to engage in routine lying, cheating, and stealing. Or abuse or harm another person… or terminate another person's life…
The socialists, once they obtain power, must accelerate their narrative and their power structures to prevent the sanity of Truth to permeate their supporters and more importantly those that are engaged in such acts. As their power expands, so does their reliance on the means of survival on the lies that are developed. This process grows over time and results in a justification in the Socialist's mind that the abuse of power is not only best for themselves but for others.
The machines of deceit, seek to protect the crippling of the souls that lead the march of Socialism, this deceit is more driven to ensure those in the leadership have a truth they can move forward in time. If truth reveals that their efforts are incongruent with their own beliefs, the soul can be crippled in those who embrace the lie (socialism).
Character is forged through the challenges and trials to overcome adversity and the onslaught of the temptation of vice, with the release of our soul, this is life…
Yes, a droll thing life is …. that mysterious arrangement of merciless logic for a futile purpose. The heart of darkness lies within us all, when the weight of such events grows a shield around our soul, man can perform any sort of malice in-spite of their common knowledge that deep down it is wrong. When you convince enough citizens that a heart of darkness is the path to glory, the gates of hell can and will be released…
The movement of Socialism is a movement against Common Sense, it is an assault on everyone's Common Sense. Without your Common Sense you lose your God given drive or internal governor to understand what is in your best interest and you lose perspective around when you are violating another’s individual rights.
Each human is a sovereign being, with freewill at their core, which permits their free decisions to be made within society. But sovereignty requires more than the attribute of Freewill, it require the natural exercise of responsibility (Or not) to guide freewill, the use of logic (Or not) to rationally determine right minded actions for that Free will's expression and the necessity to exercise virtue (Or vice) to ensure the judgment of such actions within Freewill are supporting the overall individual's existence, family, community, and national affairs. A sovereign being that chooses to not accept they have freewill, or choses to not accept responsibility, or choses irrational thoughts, or choses vice or any combination there to, has abdicated their existence and will fail to fulfill their purpose in life and will ensure their own misery as well as those around them.
If you Kill Comedy - You Kill the Internal Mechanism to Align with Reality. The world becomes a Dark Play with no end and no release of Laughter. The soul bends to deepen in one's soul, as the notion of common sense is snuffed from view. And in time, those things that should be laughed at, become real, and become implemented, furthering the confusion of the soul and the beginning of the Mass Psychosis...
One only knows what it means to be alive, if they once had a fear of dying.
Christianity only truly serves those whom seek true repentance and forgiveness, Christianity does not server those whom seek to make it their slave, a government that enforces the penalty of wrong doing will grow and prosper, thus explains the raise of the United States and the alignment of the Constitution to those that are Righteous.
The Hope for Life
That glorious end, death o death;
Will I have lived my life to my last breath.
With a virus at my heels;
And a government restricting my meals.
Where do I turn to next,
Can I survive this torrid complex.
What is this that flows through my veins;
Life, life that thought that I once had reigns.
Where do I fight, how do I fight;
The know it alls that set a cruel flight.
When I have no freedom, and no pursuit of soul,
My desire, peacefully to end it all, my person, my goal.
Death, Death that glorious end;
Where I meet the Maker I do send.
My love of life, my soul of love;
To meet my Maker, to deny those who gov.
When I leave, and I intend to leave well;
Those that impose this evil, will be left with hell.
So come to me, my pretty tyrant, come to me,
For I am ready, I am ready to give all to be Free.
Publius 2/22/2022