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This is the Certification Page, the goal as of 2020-2021 is to create the Certification Test and deliver the test. Where we would have 100+ intending members take the test for $100 per sitting, only payable after the intended Membership Status changes to full membership status. Until that time, all testing will be FREE and only by selection. (You will only be issued your OFFICIAL certificate once we become active. You will have your OFFICIAL Certification Number listed on this page, but not until Federalist 2.0 becomes active AND you have paid your membership fee AND your Certification Fee will you be sent your Certification AND can claim to have your Federalist 2.0 Certification. Any direct and blatant violation of this rule may result in your Certification being nullified and removed.)

At this time, we are not accepting any money for certifications.

Certification Page

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If you are interested in taking the FREE test, we will learn of this through our communications to you about your membership, or you can specifically identify this as your intention within an email. The Test will be administered in person at a city near you or we will determine if we can issue the test electronically over a communication tool such as email or Skype. As a Certification Test taker, we will require that no cheating take place and no recording of the session happen. Your results will be held confidential and the details of the questions and how and what answers are correct will also be held confidential. This is a test that is intended to test your understanding of the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy, it is not a math test or a history test where memorization is the key to success. This test is intended to determine if you have the capacity to make the right decisions given the data and situation you have in front of you politically and socially. NOTE: The first 100 test takers will have ONE option to retake without cost. But every Certificate seeker after 100 will be required to pay another $100 to take the test again.

Here is the sample Certification Badges with two options (Professional vs Laid Back): 



Certification Numbers: (All Certification Numbers will start with the words "Federalist2.0-Certificate" and then have the certificate number and the date and time, no names will be shared but we will consider non-crude and non-threatening sudo names no longer than 26 english alpha characters.)

Example: Federalist2.0-Certificate-74322756326-20220601120000-Publius - Owner of Federalist 2.0.

FREE-Federalist2.0-Certificate-4767952919-20200624120001-Revere - Member with First Level Passing Certificate

FREE-Federalist2.0-Certificate-96322288241-20220314120000-Jefferson - Member with Third Level Passing Certificate

The Federalist 2.0 Certificate Pledge
As an official member of the Association and Certified Advocate for the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy, I pledge to follow the teachings of the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy with out discrimination to others and a commitment of non-violence in the distribution and discussion of these topics and concepts to others friendly or hostile. I commit to God as my witness, from this day forward, that with respect to the affairs associated to the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy to always set my dealings with honesty, fairness and truthfulness. I commit to God as my witness, as citizen of my nation, as a political force in my nation, as a media or journalist in my nation to always follow the 31 core principles set forth in this "Federalist 2.0 Certification of Core Principles". I understand that if I am charged publicly or privately for lying, cheating, stealing or dealing in violence on the behalf of the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy, after a Federalist 2.0 internal review, I may have my Certification revoked by the Federalist 2.0 Leadership.
The Federalist 2.0 philosophy advocates a peaceful approach when working within a society. Those that are members and certificate holders will take a vow to not use force to advance these concepts. There will be no discrimination against anyone no matter their color or sexual preference. This organization will never advocate for violence to advance these concepts. To see the full Non-Discrimination and Non-Violence Pledge please visit our About Page.
Federalist 2.0(TM)

Publius was a pseudo name for those that wanted to publish a discussion of topics that needed to be talked about but people did not want their names attached to the discussion. We are needing this approach today as personalities and emotions are in the way of clear debate and concise ideas.


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     Subsidery of Federalist 2.0 LLC 2021

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