Federalist 2.0 Campaign 2022
Welcome to Federalist 2.0, Healing the political divide by building a Citizens Political Professional Organization (CPPO) & learning how to govern for all.
The Federalist 2.0 Story
The Federalist 2.0 story started back in 2007 and 2008, with several of my fellow conservative thinkers in Portland Oregon as well as with my father and some of the work that he did over the years. With some of the inroads that the secular thinkers were making and the untimely passing of my father, I started to do some of my own research. That research lead me to a book that my father had that was from a great philosopher and theologian Bernard Dempsey, the name of the book was "The Functional Economy":
The Functional Economy - Bernard W Dempsey
After reading this book, upon my father's passing and being given this works as he willed, I started to do additional reading and fell upon the notion that one should re-write the Federalist Papers. The notion of a Federalist 2.0 idea surfaced and I spent better than 6 months, on my own time reviewing and writing the 5 core Federalist 2.0 papers as noted here:
These papers drove me to see what would be the critical learning and important principles that the Founding Fathers were attempting to define, attempting to ingrain in the culture and into the minds of those whom would govern these United States. Those core principles are noted here:
The Federalist 2.0 Core Principles
In the years leading unto the development of these ideas and the deployment of them onto the Brietbart website in 2009-2013, there was the need to frame this thinking against all other thinking. This lead to the general need to define an overall Integrated Philosophy that could explain the goals and needs of other methods of governing, after much effort and time again more than 1-2 years of work, we came up with a general unified theory. That is noted here:
This effort was then utilized to share with the general teams in the northwest to try to organize and become a political force in the 2011 to 2013 time frame. My team even built a Social Networking platform that would sever these groups, but with the BAN on the 501.3c non-profits for conservative groups, the organizations eventually stopped performing due to lack of funds. Personally, I was trying to keep my work going and keep my family together and had to put this effort to sleep for some time.
Then in 2017 timeframe I was able to pick it back up and was able to start to build out this website to provide a notion that what was really needed was a CPPO (Citizens Political Professional Organization). That effort lead to the definition and development of several ideas and concepts that lead to the creation of the tools that would be needed to define and create this new CPPO. Those tools and processes are defined here:
These tools and processes then need to be explained and defined, that happened in the 2020 election year and that Blog is located here:
The passage through these times has not been full of learning and understanding and creating some quotes that can be timeless, those references and quotes an be found here:
Federalist 2.0 Quotes and References
Seeing that there looks to be an unspoken OATH for those that are socialists, it was clear that one for the Federalist 2.0 movement was also needed. That OATH is listed here:
Membership and Certification for a Professional Organization was then the next step, methods to create memberships is documented here:
The need for a Certification Process was also critical, that was then created and a 50 question test was developed that covers the first Federalist paper on Free Will, that Certification Page is located here:
As of Jan 2022, there are 180 Questions across 3 sections.
The Federalist 2.0 effort then turned to creating a company and then establishing a Bank Account to collect money, long term we are intending to be filed under a 501.3c non-profit status, but until we have the right membership and the right number of board members, we are operating as a LLC. That can be seen here:
After some amount of time working with several people in the community, we determined that it might be good timing to re-write the Declaration of Independence and see what that would look like today, as well as see if there is interest in doing so, that is located here:
Finally, we are working to complete the following items:
1) Videos of all the created content
2) Blog Posts for the remaining Part 1 of the Federalist 2.0 effort
3) Certification questions for the remainder of the Federalist 2.0 effort
4) Publishing to all the social networks and Facebook to get the word out
5) Starting a Meetup group to begin to share this content to the masses
This is the overall needs for the next 12 months, there is much work to be done and with a family and a position at my current employment that needs my undivided attention, these goals are not being met. At this time we have invested well over $1 Million in personal time and some $10K in personal income among the team over the past 15 years of work.
We are ready for our first round of financing and we hope that you can help us achieve our goals for the reminder of 2022 and into 2023. This effort and development of these ideas have been shared and tested with a core group of folks that we trust and we have received valuable feedback. This path has not been straight and has involved a lot of personal sacrifice and much "blood, sweat and many tears".
The Federalist 2.0 Team
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